When Punjab National Bank (PNB) is managing departing suddenly credit defaulter Nirav Modi, it additionally needs to manage a rundown of about Rs 14,594 crore worth of wilful defaulters on its books.The list has an aggregate number of 1,085 wilful defaulters with over Rs 25 lakh advances as on January end 2018. This is more than 17 percent expansion since a year back period.
Of the rundown, almost 15 of the defaulting firms are from the pearls and adornments section adding up to Rs 2,120 crore worth of advances, according to information on the bank’s site.
- Wilful defaulters are those borrowers who deliberately don’t influence reimbursements of advances to its moneylenders in spite of having the ability to make installments, to occupy the credits to utilize it for different purposes than what the advance was taken for and arranged or sold off properties given as a security amid the advance.
- “The recognizable proof of the wilful default ought to be influenced keeping in see the track to record of the borrowers and ought not be settled based on disengaged exchanges/occurrences. The default to be arranged as wilful must be purposeful, ponder and ascertained,” RBI has said in its rules.
- Modi so far has not been announced a defaulter in the bank’s books and the extortion measure of Rs 11,400 crore isn’t a piece of this rundown given by PNB.A wilfull defaulter is a stage in front of a defaulter, proclaimed by a loan specialist once its administration sees think default with respect to the borrower.
- Punjab National Bank, likewise nation’s second biggest government bank, has the most astounding offer of wilful defaults in its books among the huge banks. Of its gross awful credits or non-performing resources (NPAs) worth Rs 57,519 crore, 25 percent are because of borrowers who have intentionally defaulted.
- PNB has been putting out the rundown of wilful defaulters since June 2013 which it proceeded till May 31, 2017. From that point forward it is just drilling down those wilful defaulters with remarkable of Rs 25 lakh or more with their names/proprietorship from June last 2017.PNB’s net NPAs were at Rs 34,076 crore as on December end 2017.
- Of these, the infamous instance of Jatin Mehta claimed Winsome Diamonds, earlier Forever Precious Jewelry and Diamonds alone has an introduction of about 1,650 crore to the bank. Another Rs 266 crore to MBS Jewelers, Rs 69 crore to C Mahendra Exports, Rs 45 crore to Gem Star Company, Rs 35 crore to Bansal Diamonds, Rs 35 crore to KBM Gems and Jewelers, Rs 30 crore to Ghansham Das Gem and Jewels, Rs 29 crore to Future Jewels, Rs 17 crore to Jai Mata Jewelers, Rs 10 crore to Tanaaya Gem and Jewelry and some littler exposures to minimal referred to firms, for example, Diamond Mushrooms and Diamond Mine Chem India.
Punjab National Bank’s Loan Wilful Defaulter List Stands At Rs 14,600
A few organizations, for example, Winsome and M/S Jeweline as of now have the investigative offices like the Central Bureau of Investigation following them since as long as 2012.
For the time being, PNB would be more stressed over the huge extortion adding up to about Rs 11,400 crore (USD 1,771.69 million) including tycoon diamond setter Nirav Modi who has now fled out of the nation leaving financiers, investigative offices and the media pursuing him at the rate of the bunches.
A week ago, PNB CEO and MD Sunil Mehta said that the bank would make all the lawful move to convey the culprits to the book and that it will likewise respect all its bonafide responsibilities, which may require paying back credits to other Indian Banks which have allowed advances to Nirav Modi against the deceitful Letter of Undertakings (LoUs) issued by PNB.
Sources: moneycontrol.com