Indonesian examiners said on Monday they had discovered no confirmation so far that terrorism had influence in the accident of an Airasia traveler stream a month ago that killed each of the 162 individuals ready for.
Andreas Hananto said that his group of 10 examiners at the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) had discovered “no dangers” in the cockpit voice recordings to show treachery amid Airasia Flight Qz8501.
At the point when inquired as to whether there was any proof from the recording that terrorism was included, Mr. Hananto said: “No. Since if there were terrorism, there would have been a risk or something to that affect.”
“In that discriminating circumstance, the recording shows that the pilot was occupied with the treatment of the plane.”
Agents said they had listened to the entire of the recording however translated just about half.
“We didn’t hear any voice of different persons other than the pilots,” said Nurcahyo Utomo, an alternate agent. “We didn’t hear any resonances of gunfire or blasts. For now, based on that, we can kill the likelihood of terrorism.”
Blast additionally “farfetched”
Mr. Utomo said that agents could listen “just about everything” on the recording contained in one of the flight’s two “secret elements”.
As indicated by Hananto, prove likewise demonstrated that a blast was doubtful before the plane smashed, debating a hypothesis recommended by an official from the National Search and Rescue Agency a week ago.
“From the (flight information recordings) as such, its impossible there was a blast,” Mr. Hananto said. “On the off chance that there was, we would without a doubt know on the grounds that certain parameters would demonstrate to it. There is something like 1,200 parameters.”
The main a large portion of the two-hour-long cockpit voice recording has been interpreted. That incorporates sound from the past flight and the start of Flight Qz8501, which slammed around 40 minutes after takeoff.
With seven machines and different sound supplies, the little NTSC lab devoted to the Airasia examination is part into two rooms; one for the cockpit voice recorder and the other for the flight information recorder.
Investigation of the flight information recorder would take longer, Mr. Hananto said, in light of the fact that agents were analyzing each of the 72 past flights flown by the airplane.
Specialists plan to complete a preparatory give an account of the accident ahead of schedule one week from now. The full report could take up to a year, yet wo exclude the whole cockpit voice transcript.
The Airbus A320-200 vanished from radar screens on December 28, short of what midway into a two-hour flight from Surabaya to Singapore. There were no survivors.